Phoenix Jailbreak, created by Siguza and tihmstar, is the first semi-untethered jailbreak for all 32-bit devices running iOS 9.3.5 / 3.3.6. Over a year after the official Apple release, iOS 9.3.5 was jailbroken. Phoenix may be installed without a computer by downloading and sideloading the IPA file to your iPhone, iPod, or iPad.

IPA Download

What exactly is Phoenix Jailbreak?

Phoenix Jailbreak is a free program for jailbreaking all older iOS 9.3.5/9.3.6 devices, including the iPad 2/3, iPad mini, iPhone 4s, iPod 5g: A5, iPad 4, and iPhone 5/5c: A6. After jailbreaking, Phoenix will install the Cydia app on iOS, from which you may install applications, tweaks, libraries, and other content from various Cydia Repositories.

Now that we’re waiting on iOS 13, it’s clear that version 9.3.5 is seriously out of date. Apple no longer supports your device, and the only way to renew it is to install applications and customizations developed by the jailbreak community. Phoenix will provide you access to such applications.

The jailbreak program is very simple to use, and it immediately determines if your device and iOS version are supported. Just keep in mind that you will need to re-jailbreak iOS 9.3.5 / 9.3.6 with each restart of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod device using the Phoenix software. It should not occur since the jailbreak is stable.

Jailbreaking iOS 9.3.5 – 9.3.6

Using the free certificate, AltStore may activate a maximum of three applications on your iPhone. You must resign the software and transmit it to the AltServer (running on PC or Mac) every 7 days after downloading Phoenix Jailbreak, which installs the resigned tool back on your device via iTunes WiFi sync (works also using a USB cable).

Step 1: Download and install AltStore on your PC or Mac.

Alternatively, you may use any other Cydia Impactor option for Windows or macOS.

Step 2: Launch Safari and search for Phoenix IPA (24 MB).

Step 3: Open AltStore and go to the “My Apps” area.

Step 4: Tap the Plus button in the upper left-hand corner.

Step 5: Install the Phoenix IPA file that you got.

Step 6: The Phoenix app for iOS will be installed by AltStore.

Step 7: The Phoenix app will appear on your home screen.

When utilizing the same WiFi network as AltServer, AltStore may reload applications in the background to prevent them from expiring. Because of the manual installation utilizing your free Apple certificate, the Phoenix Jailbreak will not be revoked at the most inconvenient time. Remember that to sing IPAs, your PC must be turned on.

Phoenix may be installed without a computer.

If you don’t have a PC, you may try installing the Phoenix app via online links. This approach makes use of an enterprise certificate, which Apple routinely revokes.

It indicates that the Phoenix will no longer be open. We supply you with jailbreak tool mirrors. If the links do not work, please try again in the following 24 hours.

Step 1: From the Safari browser, tap the button to install the program.

Step 2. On the “would want to install Phoenix” message box, tap Install.

Step 3. Your Home Screen will now display the Phoenix Jailbreak App Icon.

Step 4. Go to Settings General Device Management.

Step 5. Look for the recently installed Enterprise App Certificate.

Step 6. Select the certificate by clicking on its name.

Step 7. Apps from the developer should be trusted to operate on your iPhone.

Step 8. Allow access to your data and then choose Trust.

Step 9. Launch Phoenix from the Home Screen and then choose Prepare For Jailbreak.


v5 (23. Jul 2019) (23. Jul 2019)

  • Now includes offsets for iOS 9.3.6.

v4 (7. Oct 2017) (7. Oct 2017)

  • By holding down on “Kickstart Jailbreak,” you may force a full reinstall.
  • Fixes two problems while attempting to contact for offsets if…
  • …an SSL issue has occurred.
  • …a 200 response code is delivered, but the response content is empty.

Questions and Answers

Is an untethered jailbreak for iOS 9.3.5 available?

No, there is no untethered jailbreak available for iOS 9.3.5. Phoenix is the only tool that can jailbreak this version of iOS software. This is a semi-untethered jailbreak that will cease to function upon restarting the device.

How can I get the Phoenix app without a computer?

The only way to get the jailbreak tool is to utilize a direct online link from one of the prominent third-party AppStores. The issue with this approach is that all connections are often revoked, and you cannot access or install the Phoenix software on your device.

How can I uninstall the Phoenix jailbreak?

Phoenix is not a permanent jailbreak and will cease operating once the device is restarted. Remove any installed applications and customizations from the Cydia package manager and restart the device to uninstall the jailbreak fully.

What became to the Phoenix jailbreak?

Phoenix is only compatible with iOS 9.3.5 and 9.3.6 and was not designed to function with other operating systems. The utility is detectable as malicious software, although it is not. You may jailbreak your smartphone after downloading the safety software.

Why is the app not working?

At this time, the Phoenix jailbreak could not be implemented. This notice may appear if you attempt to install the program through a direct web link from the Safari browser. Simply try again later or utilize all links offered. One of the connections will eventually resume operation.

Why is the Phoenix jailbreak official website dangerous?

The Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page interprets the official website as a potentially dangerous page containing malicious software that may deceive you into installing an unwanted program on your device. In truth, this is a virus-free website for jailbreaking your iPhone.

Is the Phoenix jailbreak secure?

This iOS software is completely safe to use and does not contain any viruses. This semi-untethered utility will not make any permanent modifications to your device, and the changes may be undone with a simple restart. This software will not do any damage to your iPhone or iPad.

Where can I get the most recent version of Phoenix?

Using the direct links supplied by our website above is the most secure and safe approach to download Phoenix to jailbreak your iOS device. There is also the option to sign with your own certificate and sideload the IPA files to the iDevice yourself. All instructions may be found above.

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